Definition: Headless

What is headless?

Headless is a type of software architecture in which the front-end and back-end of a system are decoupled, allowing them to be developed and managed independently. For example, headless architecture is used to separate the presentation layer (the website or app that customers interact with) from the commerce layer (the system that handles business logic and transactions).

Headless is part of the MACH architecture, which stands for Microservices, API-firstCloud-native, and Headless.

What is the purpose of headless architecture?

In a traditional, coupled software architecture, the front-end and back-end of a website or application are tightly integrated. This means any changes made to the front-end would require corresponding changes to be made in the back-end, and vice versa. This can make it difficult to implement changes quickly and efficiently, if not entirely impossible.

With a headless architecture, businesses can use any front-end or back-end technology they choose, as they are completely decoupled. They function independently of each other, and any changes to either side do not require corresponding changes to the other. This approach gives businesses the flexibility to choose any technology or software that best fits their needs.

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